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What is Anomy? The state of anomy is much the same as smelling some smoke and after which makes you confused and lost. The real definition of it is: "A state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown or absence of social norms and values." This concept has emerged in 1893 with French sociologist Émile Durkheim. According to him, some people might experience Anomy, especially there's a sudden change in their circumstances. One good example will be the Japanese soldiers after world war 2 where their economy started to pick up after they went back to their homeland after the war. Besides this example, another example could be for the modern world people; as the digital economy started to pick up and transform thousands and millions of lives, those who are not technology savvy might choose to give up learning new things and shows an emotion of apathy. A minority of those might experienced anger and frustration too. Below is a video of...


how does the future looks like


I'm going to tell you upfront that I'm not a predictor, neither do I know any black magic or have a crystal ball to tell you what will happen to your future.

However, with a lot of things that had rolled out recently (disruptors like Uber, oBike etc). I am very confident to tell you that we are moving towards a more digital and integrated world.

What does that means? Well, currently we are still in the 4G  (internet access speed) world, and we are already using  our smart phone to do a lot of things like watching YouTube, playing games, checking emails etc)

So guess what will happen with 5G (20 times faster than 4G!!!)?

Well, don't even bother to Goggle about it. I can tell you what are the things you will likely experience:

  • You will now able to command machines to play games with you or do things for you (example: request for a uber ride, turn on or off the lights etc)
  • If you are not feeling well at home, doctors can access you from his hospital's office and prescribe medicines which you can collect from your nearest pharmacy
  • Your home will become "smarter" with home automation
  • AI will be implemented to fly a unmanned drone to take care of your elderly/sick parents
How can this be achieved? You might be wondering? 

Well, with lower latency and higher bandwidth, human can talk to machine or machine to machine in real time!

By then, 50% of the human workforce will be obsolete in the labour force. You will see a totally different jobs being created.

So what are you going to do about it? 

Well, be aware of this changes and do whatever you can to either catch the wave, be the next wave or simply just the let wave ride you along.

It's your choice, my friend. We shall welcome the next future! 😃


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