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What is Anomy? The state of anomy is much the same as smelling some smoke and after which makes you confused and lost. The real definition of it is: "A state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown or absence of social norms and values." This concept has emerged in 1893 with French sociologist Ă‰mile Durkheim. According to him, some people might experience Anomy, especially there's a sudden change in their circumstances. One good example will be the Japanese soldiers after world war 2 where their economy started to pick up after they went back to their homeland after the war. Besides this example, another example could be for the modern world people; as the digital economy started to pick up and transform thousands and millions of lives, those who are not technology savvy might choose to give up learning new things and shows an emotion of apathy. A minority of those might experienced anger and frustration too. Below is a video of...

The Learning Curve

Having no IT background and to do something that is IT related is pretty tough. But once you set your mind to it, nobody can stop you!
The reason why I'm sharing this is because a lot of things may seem impossible or tough in the initial stage, but if you have the determination and put massive action into it, you will achieve it! One of the big reason why I put myself through the pain to learn about IT stuff is because I know that the internet arena can give me passive income (Yes, I have achieved online passive income for consecutive about 20 over days). Not that I love money so much that everything that I do is monetary driven. But everything that I do is time driven (Seriously I desire more freedom of time than any amount of money you give me). Of cos, if you can have both sides of the world, it would be much better (who wouldn't want it?).
When I first started out working in the society, how I was being paid is based on my time, for example, when I was working as a telemarketer I was being paid about $7/hour, waiter $6/hour, mail despatch $7/hour etc. And when I was working for a full-time job, based on my calculation, I was paid about $20-$30/hour. So back to my IT learning curve, in my initial stage, I have zero clicks almost every day (self-doubt came to me very often). I don't know how and I don't know why. Everything I wanted to know I have to ask around (you be surprised that even your friends in the IT industry might not know more than you!).
Miracle will only happen if you put your knowledge into massive action because that is the only way to tell whatever you have learned and applied works or doesn't. If currently, you are in the stage that I was in, my advice to you is NEVER GIVE UP! Trust your instinct and continue to follow the rainbow, go ride it, not all will be rich, quite a few will find a grain of gold.


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