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What is Anomy? The state of anomy is much the same as smelling some smoke and after which makes you confused and lost. The real definition of it is: "A state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown or absence of social norms and values." This concept has emerged in 1893 with French sociologist Ă‰mile Durkheim. According to him, some people might experience Anomy, especially there's a sudden change in their circumstances. One good example will be the Japanese soldiers after world war 2 where their economy started to pick up after they went back to their homeland after the war. Besides this example, another example could be for the modern world people; as the digital economy started to pick up and transform thousands and millions of lives, those who are not technology savvy might choose to give up learning new things and shows an emotion of apathy. A minority of those might experienced anger and frustration too. Below is a video of...

Premium Account

A few days ago, I just upgraded my ClixSense Account to premium.
One of the reasons for doing that is because I wanted to leverage. I always believe that any form of businesses or activities without leveraging are not worth doing it as we don't want to trade our time for money.
I have reinvested about 37% of that particular online income to do the leveraging and from my observation for the past few days, I did have more income and save more time from clicking.
Below is the table of comparison of standard and premium account. And because of leveraging, it will be so much easier to achieve more. Like the saying goes, if you want more money, give more money. The next plan will then to reinvest more money to make more money online.

If you have missed out my previous blog post of what it is all about, you can click here to find out more.
Alternatively, you can click on the banner below to join. It's FREE anyway.


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